nambike quotes in kannada
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Whatever happens in life, it may be good or bad, For whom we wish to tell first, is the person we love more than any one in this world.
When they breaks the trust there is no use of hundred sorry’s, up to one stage he can handle the pain after that he will be silent.
He don’t want to hate any people, he wont expect anything from anyone.
If a problems starts in life it will be coming in line but the problems we face teaches us lessons.
If we don’t have mothers lap when we cry and if we don’t have support of loved one when we are in struggle its a waste of life.
If something get to eat for crow it will call its family, but if something get to human he will lose his family or relations.
As responsibility increases we kill our dreams.
When we start thinking that this is end of life that is not ture, Remember if there is end there will be a new beginning.
We can search missing people but we cant search changed people, In life every one make us to understand them, no one try to understand us.
If dissatisfaction destroys some people, greed will destroys some other people.
We should live your life yourself because no one knows how long other people will stay in our life.
Mother is the best gift that we had, our life will be perfect as much as we respect our mother.