kannada motivational words
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well I mean look everyone has a problem with time but the day is 24 hours and we sleep six now I know there’s some out there that say oh I need eight.
But I say just sleep a little faster because the bottom line is we have six hours of sleep 24 hours are available so you have 18 hours now available.
To do your work, for your family, for your hobbies and also to learn something new or to do something new which you do could easily that you want do.
To learn a new language or that you want to read and as a new year’s resolution, I have to read a book every week where you say I’m gonna go and reshape my body.
so you’re gonna go and take this hour out of your schedule and say I’m gonna train an hour every day so this is a huge challenge for most of the people.
But it is totally doable where I can tell them because the kind of things that I did, I mean I went to school, I was working in construction.
I was working out my five hours a day, I was taking acting classes from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight, I was doing all of those things.
I wanted to make sure that out of the 24 hours of the day that I don’t waste one single hour because hours were too precious.
So they’ll just want to tell people don’t give this things, I have a difficult time of it the time and I don’t have time for this neither of that you have time you make the time.
If the President of the Country has time to work out when the Pope has time to work out then you have time to work out you either win or you learn.
Especially in that high school college setting you’re learning about yourself, if you went out there and you got your handed to you then you just got beat and didn’t learn anything.
Well yeah you’re a loser you take the moment reflect on it build on what you did wrong and you now actually in a way you’ve won.
If now you know more about yourself you know what more your limitations or what you need to improve and expand your talents your limitations.
So I guess whenever I’m doing a thing I’m always looking at it as learning perspective so there aren’t necessarily mistakes unless they’re fatal and then we wouldn’t know anyway.
So whatever that really is the right way to look at everything you win or you learn yeah you know you have great experiences.
Because you’re successful or you have very beneficial experiences because you realized what went wrong yeah but is just one more wrinkle.
one more piece of information or one more experience that you can add to your database of knowledge and it’ll make you better at everything.
How do you stay motivated and how do you motivate people when they start to slack no motivation is it a kind of a strange word(kannada motivational words helps to get motivated).
Because it doesn’t really mean what we think, it means we think that we’re fired up to do something.
We think that we’re eager and passionate to make something happen and we think that some how we should just be able to turn on that eagerness and turn on that passion.
But we can’t because you just can’t turn on passion, you can’t just turn on the desire to execute a task this doesn’t work that way.
Honestly that isn’t even what motivate means motivate doesn’t mean to yell and scream and encourage.
No, to motivate actually means to provide a motive a reason why so to motivate someone is to explain to them why they’re doing what they’re doing.
How it will help them where it’ll take them why they should continue to work and to struggle and to fight and when you need motivation yourself.
Look for someone to scream and yell don’t look for someone else to give you motivation, look at yourself and remine yourself.
Why you are doing what you are doing remind yourself that this struggle, this temporary pain, this fight, that is what will make you stronger and faster and smarter and better.
And then with that motivation go forward into the fray into the storm once you make that willingness to change the book falls off.
The shelf or the teacher shows up in a form that you could have never imagined or you hear something on the radio or you meet a cab driver or some enlightened conversation.
Comes into your realm that all of a sudden is that shift that you needed to make that change and create that catalyst that becomes your greatest accomplishment.
Your greatest shift and so that’s all we need at first is that slight willingness, that willingness that I had that desire to change that moment to shift was all I needed to become.
The woman I am today to live that life beyond my wildest dreams and so when I became ready I opened up and I said okay I’m ready for change.
But what’s beautiful and that was the main purpose of what I teach is that once you make that decision to change you do not have to do it by yourself.
You cannot be expected to make these changes on your own all you need is that slight willingness I just like try to always push myself more than I push myself before.
And you know I wasn’t trained with dancing or anything like that so I’m always trying to learn as much as I can from my choreographer and my dancers.
And I’m around I just try to have fun though you know I really love what I do and I think I’ll be doing myself a terrible disservice.
If I didn’t push and try to reach for more and I would be doing my fans a terrible disservice to so that’s my inspiration my fans and just wanting to be as great as I possibly.
Can I came up with a slogan and I told it to my kids all the time I say there’s no losing only learning there’s no failure only opportunities.
And there’s no problems only solutions so to me what failure is, failure is the mother of all success if it wasn’t for Michael Jordan getting cut from his ninth grade basketball team.
He wouldn’t became Michael Jordan you know if it wasn’t for I’ve seen an article the other day where they were talking about Oprah Winfrey.
And how she got fired because she wasn’t good for television you know you got people like Walt Disney who got fired.
If I’m not mistaken from a newspaper saying he had no imagination these are the same people that I got a deal with telling me what’s not a hit record.
So what do you tell them you tell them you know that all they can do is learn and come back bigger better stronger.
Because all is gonna do is lead you in the right direction see if you’re always winning and you don’t really understand what it is to win.
You gotta take those losses you gotta take those hits there’s got to be the valleys the peaks the ups the downs in order for you to when it does happen you go wow.
You know this is what it’s all about and not only that it’s never about making it guys it’s always about maintaining.
That’s the toughest part you may have set backs and you may have failures but you’re not done you’re not even getting started not by a long shot.
And if you ever forget that just look to history Thomas Paine was a failed corset maker a failed teacher and a failed tax collector.
Before he made his mark on history with a little book called common sense that helped ignite a revolution Julia Child didn’t publish her first cookbook until she was almost 50.
Colonel Sanders didn’t open up his first Kentucky Fried Chicken till he was in his sixties Winston Churchill was dismissed as little more than a has-been.
Who enjoyed scotch a little bit too much before he took over as prime minister and saw Great Britain through its finest hour.
Ellen fired a former football player stocking shelves at the local supermarket would return to the game he loved become a Super Bowl MVP.
And then come here to Arizona and lead your Cardinals to their first Super Bowl your body of work is never done each of them at one point in their life.
Didn’t have any title or much status to speak of butthey had passion a commitment to following that passion wherever would lead.
And a working hard every step along the way I want you to really get intouch with first of all the fact that you are interested in all of it.
And that you could be interested in any one of these topics genuinely right this is something you have to kind of like pause and admit to yourself.
You have to say to yourself okay wait a minute what’s really going on here sure maybe there’s a subject that I do like a little bit more than another subject.
Like maybe math I don’t really like math but like let’s say history I really am really fascinated by people and history that’s cool.
You could have those preferences but also don’t be so close-minded to say well you know what I’m just bad at math I just hate math.
If you say that what I want you to do is actually I want you to ask yourself pause and ask yourself wait a minute why do I hate this thing called math.
Isn’t it a part of reality isn’t it fascinating that we can use mental concepts and numbers and these numbers seem to have certain patterns.
To them they work in certain very logical and interesting ways and we can use this math to do science we can use this math to do advanced technology.
Isn’t that fascinating to you it should be fascinating to you no matter who you are and even if it’s not your like Forte and your most passionate thing.
This is important because in school you’re gonna have a diversity of subjects you can learn to focus by practicing focus until it becomes automatic.
one of my favorite quotes is from good to the German philosopher and he said everything is hard before it’s easy so the formation of any new habit is hard before it’s easy.
You have to keep working at it, it’s just like a bicycle you keep falling down you have to keep getting back up again until finally it becomes easier and easier.
And soon it becomes automatic and when you automatically get up each day plan your day and work on your most important goal.
The whole life will transform how do you stay driven I am gonna ask you a question, how don’t you stay driven well let me get this right you won the lotto of the universe.
which is you are a human being on earth you I’m just gonna say this I mean I don’t think people think about this you won the lotto you in the universe.
You’re not some weird specimen and Mars that does nothing you’re not you know a bird you know you’re not a sunflower like you are a human being on earth.
You won the ultimate lottery and you’re not driven and you’re not fired up and you’re not going for it and you’re willing to sit like a lump and just wait till you die.
You suck like I don’t know, how do I stay driven because I couldn’t even comprehend the alternative we start to shift our perceptions.
When we start to see things with a better perspective when we start to see our experiences as obstacles turning into opportunities or a resentment as a divine assignment.
To forgive more or a moment of lack as an opportunity to focus on what we’re grateful for rather than focus on what we don’t have.
We start to make these shifts within our life what begins to happen is that we begin to have more faith in that way of being and so the neat thing that occurs.
And this has been my experience that past six years of practicing the life of a spirit junkie is that now my choice is my moment-to-moment.
Choices are choosing more of a positive perspective when there’s traffic my first thought is okay I welcome the traffic to go.
I try to start to think about the weight or if I’m supposed to be late maybe I’m meant to be there late maybe there’s something greater coming or if something doesn’t happen.
The exact way that I believe it should happen I know and my first thought is there’s something way greater coming.
So this is just the type, the types of miracles that occur in the ways that your mind begins to shift when you start to practice these principles in your every corner of your life.